Animation Drama Family Fantasy
This vibrantly animated feature recounts the biblical epic of the Hebrew prophet Moses and the Ten Commandments. Led by the word of God, Moses challenges the ominous Egyptian pharaoh, performs miracles and guides the chosen people on a 40-year journey through the desert to free them from captivity and lead them to the Promised Land.
Directed by
John Stronach, Bill Boyce
Christian Slater
Moses (voice)
Alfred Molina
Ramses (voice)
Ben Kingsley
Narrator (voice)
Elliott Gould
God (voice)
Scott McNeil
Seti (voice)
Tabitha St. Germain
The Princess (voice)
Trevor Devall
Amram (voice)
Lee Tockar
Dathan (voice)
Garry Chalk
The General (voice)
Matt Hill
Joshua (voice)
Christopher Gaze
Aaron (voice)
Brian Dobson
The Taskmaster (voice)
Jane Mortifee
Zipporah (voice)
Nico Ghisi
Ramses' Son (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Miriam (voice)
Colin Murdock
Elderly Slave (voice)

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