Drama Romance
The film follows the life of famous 1970s runner Steve Prefontaine from his youth days in Oregon to the University of Oregon where he worked with the legendary coach Bill Bowerman, later to Olympics in Munich and his early death at 24 in a car crash.
Directed by
Robert Towne
Written by
Kenny Moore, Robert Towne
Tom Cruise
Matthew Lillard
Roscoe Devine
Dean Norris
Bill Dellinger
Monica Potter
Mary Marckx
Donald Sutherland
Bill Bowerman
Billy Crudup
Steve Prefontaine
Billy Burke
Kenny Moore
Jeremy Sisto
Frank Shorter
Judith Ivey
Barbara Bowerman
William Mapother
Bob Peters
Erich Anderson
Collin Pounder (uncredited)
Katharine Towne
Coed #1
Gabriel Olds
Don Kardong
Amy Jo Johnson
Iowa's finest
Michael Doherty
Gerry Lindgren (uncredited)
Adam Setliff
Mac Wilkins
Kenny Moore

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