Drama Comedy
A University teacher finds three bright students and decides to teach them how to count cards to make lots of money. As they learn how to play the casinos, things get tricky when the debt owing teacher informs them that their front man wants restitution for loses in about a weeks time. The three students decide to hit all the major casinos in Ontario and Quebec until discovered.
Directed by
Pierre Gill
Written by
Steven Westren
Katharine Isabelle
Julian Richings
Morgan Kelly
Scott's Housemate #1
Tim Post
Kris Lemche
Charles Martin Smith
Alex Woods
Howard Rosenstein
Timothy Mooney
Sebastien Roberts
Normand D'Amour
Lina Roessler
Abdul Ayoola
Kwasi Songui
Lindsay Owen Pierre
Abeille Gélinas
Carl Alacchi
Una Kay
Albert Chung
Garth Gilker
Bill Rowat
Jean-François Blanchard
Tanya van Blokland
Jacques Godin
Nicole-Sylvie Lagarde
Stefie Shock
Helena-Alexis Seymour
K.C. Coombs
Rob Adams
Roy Lund
Sean Lu
Elaine Giroux
John Nicholas Kallis
Yves Francoeur
Richard Azimov
Dana Klyszejko
Jacques Bassal
Tomi Makdessi
Serge Fisette
Henryk Vsakowski
Jeannie Walker
Mark Walker
Scott Hutchinson
Li Li
Sofia de Medeiros

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