Fantasy Horror Family
Cassie, a 13 year old Gothic girl, is trying to fit in at her new school. To entertain herself, she plays a series of pranks on the popular kids and her younger brother, Max. When she goes to a Halloween store looking for new tricks, she finds a little book called "The Evil Thing"
Directed by
Alex Zamm
Written by
Billy Brown, Dan Angel
Emily Osment
Cassie Keller
Tobin Bell
The Stranger
Brittany Curran
Priscilla Wright
Cody Linley
Marty Schiff
Mr. McKibble
Katelyn Pippy
Colleen Dengel
Michael Dickson
Pizza Guy
John Hawkinson
Jack Keller
Alex Winzenread
Max Keller
Michelle Duffy
Eileen Keller
John P. Hopkins
Magician at Halloween Dance
Barbara Russell
Lunch Lady
Maria Becoates-Bey
Mrs. Bernard

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