Animation Action Drama Comedy Fantasy Sci-Fi
On the day Tōma Kamijō and Index see Academy City's space elevator, Endymion in the distance, they meet a Level 0 girl with an amazing singing voice, Arisa Meigo. As the three enjoy their time together after school, magic-user Stiyl Magnus suddenly attacks them. His target: Arisa. Why would a girl from the science side be targeted by someone from the magic side, Tōma wonders. In the chaos of Stiyl's attack, he tells Tōma, Index and Arisa that she might cause a war between the magic side and the science side.
Directed by
Hiroshi Nishikiori
Written by
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Aki Toyosaki
Kazari Uiharu (voice)
Kisho Taniyama
Stiyl Magnus (voice)
Satomi Arai
Shirai Kuroko (voice)
Asami Seto
Marie Spearhead (voice)
Nozomi Sasaki
Misaka Sisters (voice)
Risa Taneda
Jane Elbes (voice)
Ayane Sakura
Ladylee Tangleroad (voice)
Megumi Han
Mary-Beth Blackball (voice)
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Accelerator (voice)
Yoko Hikasa
Shutaura Sequenzia (voice)
Rina Sato
Mikoto Misaka (voice)
Kanae Ito
Ruiko Saten (voice)
Yuka Iguchi
Index (voice)
Atsushi Abe
Kamijou Touma (voice)
Anri Katsu
Motoharu Tsuchimikado (voice)
Sachika Misawa
Arisa Meigo (voice)
Masaaki Tsukada

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