Drama Crime Action
After his release from prison, notorious ex-con and moonshine distiller Gator McKlusky moves in with his father in a cabin in the Okefenokee Swamp. His bootlegging plans are cut short, however, when a federal agent tells McKlusky that he will lose custody of his 9-year-old daughter unless he helps bring down local crime lord Bama McCall. McKlusky enlists the help of reporter Aggie Maybank and a few local eccentrics to bring down McCall's empire.
Directed by
Burt Reynolds
Written by
William W. Norton
James Best
Hal Needham
Burt Reynolds
Gator McKlusky
Dub Taylor
Mayor T.L. Caffery
Jack Weston
Irving Greenfield
Lauren Hutton
Agatha Weedow "Aggie" Maybank
Dudley Remus
Deputy Pogie, Dunston PD
Ned Beatty
Sheriff J.C. Connors (uncredited)
Jerry Reed
Bama McCall
Jim Burk
Sheriff Williams
Robert Urquhart
3rd Agent
Mike Douglas
The Governor
John Steadman
Ned McKlusky
Patrick Moody
Patrick, Young Policeman
Burton Gilliam
Sonny Shroyer
4th Agent
Alice Ghostley
Emmeline Cavanaugh
William Engesser
Lori Futch
Suzie McKlusky
Stephanie Burchfield
Young Girl
George A. Jones
Big George
Alex Hawkins
Police Chief
John P. Rousakis
Ocean Plaza Motel Manager
Stephen J.J. Wilder
J. Don Ferguson
John Robert Nicholson
Jack Bridger
Tommy Anderson
Georgetta Blair
Rick Allen
Cornelia Lawsen
Cornelia, Hat Check Girl
Gwen Ferguson
1st Nurse
Mary Sharpe
2nd Nurse
Bud Miller
Old Fisherman
J.B. Pappas
Jim Rainwater
1st Agent
John B. Lastinger
2nd Agent
Watson B. Duncan III
Albert Weis Jr.
Boy on Telephone
Albert W. Garmany III
Boy on Telephone
Paul Hansen
2nd Policeman
William J. Booten Sr.
3rd Policeman
Robert Smith
4th Policeman
Kim Trawick
Norman Evans
Helicopter Co-pilot
Gus Carlucci

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