Romance Comedy
Opera student Annette Monard meets composer Jonathan Street, and in a buoyant, alcohol-fueled evening, the couple marries. Sincerely falling in love, Jonathan encourages the talented Annette to sing — yet when his own attempt at an opera fails, Jonathan lashes out at Annette's success. Despite her husband's jealousy, Annette embarks on a successful career that allows her to secretly fund Jonathan's opera, bringing their marriage to a crisis.
Directed by
John Cromwell
Henry Fonda
Johnny Street
Lucille Ball
Gwendolyn Dilley
DeWitt Jennings
Man Yelling for Food (uncredited)
Lucien Littlefield
Hubert Dilley
Kirby Grant
Violinist (uncredited)
Oscar Apfel
Cafe Owner (uncredited)
Osgood Perkins
Paul Darcy
Ferdinand Gottschalk
Snobbish Critic (uncredited)
Gino Corrado
Waiter in Cafe (uncredited)
Eric Blore
Roger Briggs
Esther Dale
Mrs. Dilley (uncredited)
Billy Gilbert
Cook at Cafe (uncredited)
Scotty Beckett
Boy on Carousel
Richard Carle
Snobbish Critic (uncredited)
Paul Porcasi
Uncle Tito
Mischa Auer
Darcy's Pianist
Clarence Wilson
The Lawyer (uncredited)
Russ Powell
Carousel Operator (uncredited)
Maxine Jennings
Sixth Girl in 'I Dream Too Much' Number (uncredited)
Wedgwood Nowell
Guest at Party (uncredited)
Lily Pons
Annette Monard
Elise Cavanna
Darcy's Secretary (uncredited)
James Conaty
Audience Extra (uncredited)
Al Haskell
Wagon Driver (uncredited)
Paul Irving
Flat Tuba Player (uncredited)
Ferdinand Munier
Carousel Owner (uncredited)
June Story
Girl in 'I Dream Too Much' Number (uncredited)

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