Drama Comedy
Elisabeth and Gudrun are two Swedish divorcées, both over 40, who meet when Elisabeth parks her car on a loading zone and is ticketed by Gudrun. Despite this shaky start, a friendship grows between the two. Elizabeth, a gynecologist, is sexy and confident. She leads the shy Gudrun through the dangerous waters of single life. But as they cavort through the dance floors and bars of Stockholm's nightlife they are led to a deeper examination of the relationships with men.
Directed by
Colin Nutley
Claes Månsson
Åke Nyman
Maria Lundqvist
Gudrun Nyman
Vas Blackwood
London taxi driver
Helena Bergström
Elisabeth Staf
Johan Rabaeus
Henrik Ek
Marie Robertson
Jill Johnson
Jan Waldekranz
Anna's father
Niki Gunke Stangertz
Erica Braun
Christoffer Svensson
Mattias Ek

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