Romance Drama
Allen Meighan, an intern, assures himself residency at 'General Hospital', when he saves the life of a man trapped in an explosion. Allen is in love with student nurse, Claire Donahue, and she with him, but, she is married to Tom a physically abusive husband.
Directed by
George B. Seitz
Written by
Carey Wilson
Cliff Edwards
Franchot Tone
Allan Meighan
Janet Beecher
Miss Pringle
Hugh Marlowe
Maureen O'Sullivan
Claire Donahue
Erich von Stroheim
Charley Grapewin
Dr. Webster
Virginia Bruce
Patricia Sloan
Edward Norris
Dr. Barili
June Clayworth
Grace Ford
Nurse Howley
Leonard Penn
Tony Woolcott
Helen Troy
Anthony Nace
Tom Donahue

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