Animation Romance Comedy Drama Fantasy
Nishi is a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the Japanese mafia, he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place.
Directed by
Masaaki Yuasa
Written by
Robin Nishi
Takashi Fujii
Jiisan (voice)
Tomomitsu Yamaguchi
Ryou (voice)
Rintaro Nishi
Yakuza (voice)
Koji Imada
Nishi (voice)
Seiko Takuma
Yan (voice)
Sayaka Maeda
Myon (voice)
Jôji Shimaki
Yakuza boss (voice)
Toshio Sakata
Father of Myon and Yan (voice)
Kenichi Chujou
Atsu (voice)

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