Comedy Crime Romance
After saving each other from jumping off a bridge, Henry Bell and Karen Knightly plot to avenge the people who drove them to suicide. Henry will ruin the life of the woman who married Karen's boyfriend, while Karen will work as a secretary for the man who took Henry's job. Whether revenge will be sweet – or bittersweet – is anyone's guess.
Directed by
Malcolm Mowbray
Helena Bonham Carter
Karen Knightly
Sam Neill
Henry Bell
Kristin Scott Thomas
Imogen Staxton-Billing
Steve Coogan
Bruce Tick
Adrian Scarborough
Percy Cutting
Martin Clunes
Anthony Staxton-Billing
Anita Dobson
Daphne Teal
Rupert Graves
Oliver Knightly
Liz Smith
John Wood
Col. Marcus
Charlotte Coleman
François Domange
Wine Waiter
Sandra Reinton
Hilary Tick
Zoe Hilson
Jamie O'Brien
Damien Tick
Dicken Ashworth
Lorry Driver

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