Drama History
Enraged, a teacher murders a young female pupil. Over the years, another boy is bred for one sole purpose: to avenge his sister’s death.
Directed by
Yermek Shinarbayev
Lyubov Germanova
Elza - romanian
Juozas Budraitis
tall dumb guy
Kasym Zhakibayev
Sungu Tsai's father
Aleksandr Kim
Oleg Lee
old King/old monk
Oleg Fomin
Lyosha - friend of Sungu
Maksim Munzuk
old Yan Ge - who killed the girl
Yerik Zholzhaksynov
young King
Gennadi Lyui
Baiten Omarov
mr. Gu - moneylender
Valentina Tyo
wife of Yan Ge
Aleksandr Pan
Sungu Tsai - poet
Zinaida Em
mother of Sungu
Nikolai Tacheyev
young Yan Ge - teacher who killed the girl
Olga Yenzak
old woman
Chun Seb Pak
Shakhan Musin
Kham Dek Lee
Khe Suk Tsoi
Khe Bon Tsoi
Galina Pak
Pyotr Yan
young Sungu
Yana Kan
Aleksandr Lee

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