Thriller Drama
A gritty tale of survival set against a city ripe with violence and corruption. The Naked City tells the tale of Alfonso and Aurelia, who with their infant daughter flee the scene of a traffic accident they inadvertently caused, leaving several people seriously injured. On the run, they check into a hotel in a different part of the town. By coincidence, or fate, the hotel is about to be attacked by a violent gang, who resume to hold everyone hostage, moving room to room raping, killing and brutalizing the guests. When it is turn to visit with the young couple it is their time to decide to succumb to the violence, or fight back.
Directed by
Gabriel Retes
Written by
Gabriel Retes
Damián Alcázar
La Suavecita
Luis Felipe Tovar
El King
Gabriel Retes
Bar Owner
Ignacio Retes
Pedro Altamirano
Carlos Chávez
Martin Barraza
Graciela Lara
Gonzalo Lora
Jaime Ramos
Alejandro Tamayo
El Ruiseñor
Jorge Victoria

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