Adventure Romance
Nona Brooks, former member of a stranded theatrical troupe, earns a temporary living singing in a café in Duakwa, British Rhodesia, Africa. The café owner is secretly in league with two foreign agents with a goal of making the natives restless. American explorer Larry Mason leaves for the jungle with his servant, Jeff and a safari. Nona escapes the café into the jungle but is followed by the agents as, unknowing to her, she is carrying a report of the agent's activities. She joins the safari just as all hands are captured by a tribe of natives
Directed by
Jean Yarbrough
Arthur O'Connell
Mantan Moreland
Jefferson "Jeff" Jones
Arline Judge
Nona Brooks
John 'Dusty' King
Larry Mason
C. Montague Shaw
Sgt. Burke
Guy Kingsford
Constable Whiteside

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