Comedy Romance
British artist Colin Ware discovers that his fiancée, Vera, is going to marry another man. Distraught and despondent, he gets on a plane for America and ends up in the tiny town of Hope in New England. At first, Colin is depressed, but he soon finds more than a shoulder to cry on when his innkeepers introduce him to Mandy, a beautiful nurse. All's going well and Colin has almost forgotten his old flame until Vera shows up with a surprise of her own.
Directed by
Mark Herman
Written by
Mark Herman
Heather Graham
Minnie Driver
Vera Edwards
Colin Firth
Colin Ware
Oliver Platt
Doug Reed
Mary Steenburgen
Joanie Fisher
Chad Faust
Tony Alcantar
Frank Collison
Mr. Fisher
Mary Black
Mrs. Peterson
Dolores Drake
June B. Wilde
Mrs. Golfer
Ken Kramer
Harold Peterson
Kathryn Kirkpatrick
Tina the Cleaner
Howard Storey
Mr. Golfer
Alan Giles
Mr. West
Bethoe Shirkoff

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