Family Fantasy Drama Comedy Romance
Good-natured Reverend Henry Biggs finds that his marriage to choir mistress Julia is flagging, due to his constant absence caring for the deprived neighborhood they live in. On top of all this, his church is coming under threat from property developer Joe Hamilton. In desperation, Biggs prays to God for help – which arrives in the form of an angel named Dudley.
Directed by
Penny Marshall
Denzel Washington
Paul Bates
Saul Jeffreys
Loretta Devine
Lionel Richie
Shari Headley
Arlene Chattan
Courtney B. Vance
Reverend Henry Biggs
Gregory Hines
Joe Hamilton
Jenifer Lewis
Margueritte Coleman
Penny Marshall
Charlotte d'Amboise
Debbie Paige
Victor Williams
Jernard Burks
Pizza Man
Whitney Houston
Julia Biggs
Marcella Lowery
Anna Eldridge
Justin Pierre Edmund
Jeremiah Biggs
Cissy Houston
Mrs. Havergal
Helmar Augustus Cooper
Johnson Keeley
Aaron A. McConnaughey

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