Action Crime Drama
While Al Capone works his way up from top-dog street gang thug captain in Chicago to U.S. crime king, his brother Jimmy Capone chooses the righteous way, actually with father's blessing, leaving Illinois for small town Harmony in Nebraska, where he adopts the alias Richard Hart, marries teacher Kathleen, has offspring and becomes its incorruptible town marshal, with a loyal Indian deputy. When his efficient fight against Al's illegal alcohol trade starts to bite financially, the gang's top lawyer is sent to buy 'Hart' or order his death, but recognizes Jimmy and arranges a fraternal reunion in Chicago. Yet money nor threats can turn Jimmy bad...
Directed by
John Gray
Eric Roberts
Al Capone
Titus Welliver
Ralph Capone
Ally Sheedy
Kathleen Hart
Adrian Pasdar
Richard Hart / Jimmy Capone
Dominic Chianese
Gabriel Capone
James Bacon
Maria Pitillo
Barton Heyman
William Andrews
Mr. Littlecloud
Anthony Crivello
Frank Capone
Norman Max Maxwell
Joey Costello
Jimmie F. Skaggs
Joseph Littlecloud
Andrew Palmacci
Little Jimmy
Ed Grady
Sam Ellroy
Bill Luhrs
Carl Casey
Karma Ibsen
Bordello Madame

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