Horror Thriller
A young journalist is assigned to work with a more experienced writer on a scandal paper. On an assignment to write about a mental-hospital patient who supposedly can predict people's deaths, the younger reporter suddenly experiences a recurrence of lost feelings she had from a near-death experience years previous in an air crash. Written by John Sacksteder
Directed by
Gavin Wilding
Written by
Raul Sanchez Inglis, John Fairley
Christopher Lloyd
Morley Allen
A.J. Buckley
Stanley Kobus
Brennan Elliott
Blu Mankuma
John Fellons
Adrian Paul
Brady Traub
Rachel Hayward
T.K. Wallace
Johanna Marlowe
Kirsten Wilson
Philip Granger
Jack Potts
Cynthia Preston
Ali Caine
Carmen Aguirre
Mrs. Sanchez
Sheila Paterson
Sister Margaret
Marie Stillin
Nurse Russell
Raoul Ganeev
Greek Orthodox Priest
Heather McEwen
Young Girl
Lane Gates
Sanchez Boy

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