Drama Crime Family
Get ready for a roller-coaster trip of emotion with this campy collection from the golden age of Hollywood! Originally intended to warn America's youth of the perils of drugs, sex, and alcohol, these outlandish and unintentionally hilarious tales have heartache, tragedy, crime, and even insanity, lurking around every corner!
Directed by
Walter Shumway
Natalie Moorhead
Edith Worthington
Barbara Pepper
Elsie Ford
Niles Welch
Thomas Scott
Franklyn Farnum
Wilson Benge
Bates - the Butler
Sonny Bupp
Little Freddy Worthington
Robert Frazer
John Worthington
Glen Boles
Fred Worthington
Mary MacLaren
Gertrude - the Governess
Joan Marsh
Marion Worthington
Claudia Dell
Gayle Adams
Joseph W. Girard
Detective Chief
Larry Kent
Roy Daniels
Anne Bennett
Little Marion Worthington
Gennaro Curci
Tony Gazotti
Walter Shumway

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