Crime Drama
A pair of nightclub owners run a string of escort bureaus where men pay for the "companionship" of young women. The district attorney sends an undercover agent to infiltrate the bureaus.
Directed by
Edward Kaye
Written by
Ann Halperin, David Halperin
Cyd Charisse
Flamenco Dancer (uncredited)
Gay Seabrook
Maizie (uncredited)
Betty Compson
Ruth Ashley
Virginia Davis
Wheeler Oakman
Gregory Stone
Robert Kellard
Drake Hamilton (as Bob Kellard)
Arthur Housman
Al, the Drunk (as Arthur Houseman)
Rick Vallin
Jack (as Ric Vallon)
Isabel La Mal
Snuggles (as Isabel Lamal)
Margaret Marquis
June Ashley
Guy Kingsford
Breeze Nolan
Kathryn Keys
Rita (as Kathryn Keyes)
Edward Kaye

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