Drama Adventure
Three Russian street kids, who live on their wits in a train station, take off to the countryside hoping to make it across the border to a better life in Poland. They are alternately looking for tenderness and pushing it away because they sense that it is a sign of vulnerability they can ill-afford. Kędzierzawska has the rare ability to take the world of children on its own terms. There is not a false note in this dazzlingly beautiful and emotionally involving story of three kids trying to find their path to a new life.
Directed by
Dorota Kędzierzawska
Written by
Dorota Kędzierzawska
Oleg Ryba
Yevgeniy Ryba
Akhmed Sardalov
Kinga Walenkiewicz
Zygmunt Gorodowienko
Old man
Aleksandra Billewicz
Antoni Lanczkowski
Border guard
Stanislaw Zawadzki
Angelika Kozic
Girl with bread

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