Drama Crime
At school, Luca is falsely accused of a prank and wishes he had a father who would defend him in front of the headmaster. His father is dead, but he meets a sea captain who is willing to pretend to be his parent. Then Captain Andrea falls in love with Luca's mother, textile mill worker Maria. Before things go right, Andrea needs to deal with an ex-girlfriend and a smuggling plot.
Directed by
Raffaello Matarazzo
Yvonne Sanson
Maria Martinez
Amedeo Nazzari
Andrea, capitano del mercantile
Emilio Cigoli
Medico in contatto radio
José Guardiola
Aurora de Alba
Mercedes Monterrey
María Rivas
Miguel Gil
Luca Martinez
Alfonso Godá
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez
Carlo, il direttore della scuola
Javier Dasti
Il maestro di aritmetica
Ángel Calero
Primo commissario
Mariano Alcón
Padre de Pietro
Mario Moreno
Stanislaw Domolaski
Joaquín Vidriales
Un gangster
María Alcarria
Alfred Browne
Eugenio Chemelal
Gaspar 'Indio' González
Mario Umberto Martinelli
Antonio Martín

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