Adventure Animation Drama Fantasy
Strings is a mythological story about the son of a king, Hal Tara, who sets out on a journey to avenge the death of his father. To his surprise he discovers the truth of his own people - and where he least expects it - he finds true love.
Directed by
Anders Rønnow Klarlund
Written by
Anders Rønnow Klarlund
James McAvoy
Hal (voice)
Samantha Bond
Eike (voice)
Catherine McCormack
Zita (voice)
Ian Hart
Ghrak (voice)
Derek Jacobi
Nezo (voice)
Claire Skinner
Jhinna (voice)
Julian Glover
Kahro (voice)
David Harewood
Erito (voice)
Michael Culkin
Jonas Karlsson
Hal (voice)
Melinda Kinnaman
Zita (voice)
Henning Moritzen
Kahro (voice)
Marina Bouras
Jhinna (voice)
Jens Jacob Tychsen
Hal (voice)
Jesper Langberg
Nezo (voice)
Hugo Myatt
Pernille Højmark
Eike (voice)
Paul Hüttel
Agra (voice)
Piers Stubbs
Kai (voice)
Søren Spanning
Erito (voice)
Sanjay Sonu
Niels Bald

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