Fantasy Animation Drama Comedy Sci-Fi Romance
It has been three spring-times since Belldandy came to Earth to grant Keiichi one wish. Things seem to be fine with them while living in the temple with Belldandy's sisters Urd and Skuld, but little do they know that a fallen god from Belldandy's past has escaped from his lunar prison. He has plans for everyone which do not include what the goddess and her human lover wanted for themselves.
Directed by
Hiroaki Goda
Rei Sakuma
Peorth (voice)
Ayako Kawasumi
Morgan le Fay (voice)
Kikuko Inoue
Belldandy (voice)
Ikue Otani
Sora Hasegawa (voice)
Yui Horie
Chrono (voice)
Issei Futamata
Ootaki (voice)
Yuka Imai
Chihiro Fujimi (voice)
Tokuyoshi Kawashima
Miwa (voice)
Hiroshi Yanaka
Celestin (voice)
Akiko Yajima
Ex (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Skuld (voice)
Yuriko Fuchizaki
Megumi Morisato (voice)
Yumi Touma
Urd (voice)
Masami Kikuchi
Keiichi Morisato
Kan Tanaka
Ishii (voice)
Yuriko Yamaguchi
Yggdrasil (voice)
Kouichi Sakaguchi
Kawada (voice)
Rumi Kasahara
Ere (voice)

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