Drama Music
Despite being on his uppers, George is still prepared to pawn his beloved banjo in order to help his girlfriend save her niece from the orphanage. Help seems to be at hand when George is left a fortune by his old auntie, but unfortunately his inheritance is hidden inside a chair which has already been auctioned off! Can George and his chums track down his rightful due before his grasping solicitor (Alastair Sim, in an early film appearance) snatches the lot? It's hard to say, but he still finds time to perform both the title song and the classic 'When I'm Cleaning Windows'.
Directed by
Monty Banks
Alastair Sim
A. S. Drayton
May Whitty
Aunt Georgina Withers
Hal Gordon
Florence Desmond
Harry Tate
George Formby
George Withers
Enid Stamp-Taylor
Madame Louise
Gus McNaughton
Tom Payne
Man from Child Welfare
Beatrix Fielden-Kaye
Woman from Child Welfare
Clifford Heatherley
Dr. G. Wilberforce
Binkie Stuart

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