Thriller Crime Drama
Matt Lee Whitlock, respected chief of police in small Banyan Key, Florida, must solve a vicious double homicide before he himself falls under suspicion. Matt Lee has to stay a few steps ahead of his own police force and everyone he's trusted in order to find out the truth.
Directed by
Carl Franklin
Denzel Washington
Matt Lee Whitlock
Eva Mendes
Alex Diaz Whitlock
Sanaa Lathan
Ann Merai Harrison
Dean Cain
Chris Harrison
John Billingsley
Robert Baker
Tony Dalton
Burt Ward
Mike Pniewski
Agent White
Nora Dunn
Dr. Donovan
Alex Carter
Antoni Corone
Deputy Baste
Veryl Jones
Agent Fetzer
Neil Brown Jr.
Morgue Attendant
Arian Ash
Dental Assistant
Ed Amatrudo
Arson Investigator
Terry Loughlin
Agent Stark
Angela Meryl
Catfish Jean
Mall Patron (uncredited)
Tim Ware
Fire Chief
Steve Raulerson
Man Serving Divorce Papers
James Murtaugh
Dr. Frieland
Tom Hillmann
Living Gift Salesman
Peter Erskine
Parris Buckner
Dr. Shider
Peggy Sheffield
Judy Anderson
O.L. Duke
Detective Bronze
Rick Michaels
Arson Investigator (uncredited)
Ron Madoff
Deborah Smith Ford
Mother (uncredited)
Natalie McNeil
Beach Partier (uncredited)
Evelyn Brooks
Judy's Mom
Elena Maria Garcia
Suzanne Grant
Screaming Woman
Dottie Healy
Woman in Lobby
Eric Hissom
Hotel Clerk
Sharlene Garcia
Manny Casimir
Thug (uncredited)
Angelo Fierro
Detective (uncredited)
WBBrown II
Detective (uncredited)
Gustavo Pérez
Postman (uncredited)
Al Quinn
Driver (uncredited)

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