Comedy Romance
Two sets of two college guys spend a spring break together in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There they have lots of fun in and out of the sun.
Directed by
Sean S. Cunningham
Written by
David Smilow
Nikki Fritz
Girl in Corvette
Jeff Garlin
Gut Gut
Jayne Modean
Corinne Wahl
David Knell
Daniel Faraldo
Mimi Cozzens
May Dalby
Ronn Carroll
Arresting Officer
Donald Symington
Ernest Dalby
Sheila Kennedy
Ru Flynn
Girl in Corvette
Richard B. Shull
Eddie Potmore
Robert Small
Dalby's Henchman
Tammy Lynn Leppert
Boxing Contest Girl (uncredited)
Paul Land
Stu Molinaro
Steve Bassett
O.T. Blastin
Jessica James
Geri Potmore
John Archie
Dalby's Henchman
Barry Hober
Man in Elevator

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