Action Comedy
A local Thai flight crashes inside Burma in rebel held territory. Amongst the survivors are several gay men and transsexuals. The Thai Army is ordered by the Foreign Ministry to rescue them. One of their soldiers is a bit of a loose cannon and he hates homosexuals as his son is one. However he must do his duty despite his prejudice.
Directed by
Kittikorn Liasirikun
Sorapong Chatree
Sgt. Rerng
Akarin Akaranitimaytharatt
Akara Amarttayakul
Capt. Sompong
Thongthong Mokjok
Ornapha Krisadee
Som Ying
Kowit Wattanakul
PFC Pakorn
Boriwat Yuto
Seri Wongmontha

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