Drama History Thriller
Rogue Trader tells the true story of Nick Leeson, an employee of Barings Bank who--after a successful trading run--ends up accumulating $1.4 billion in losses hidden in account #88888.
Directed by
James Dearden
Written by
James Dearden
Ewan McGregor
Nick Leeson
Anna Friel
Lisa Leeson
Tim McInnerny
Tony Hawes
Pip Torrens
Simon Jones
Caroline Langrishe
Ash Lewis
Lee Ross
Danny Argyropoulos
Nigel Lindsay
Ron Baker
John Standing
Peter Baring
Betsy Brantley
Brenda Granger
Sharon Duce
Patsy Sims
Tom Wu
George Seow
Simon Shepherd
Peter Norris
David Frost
Irene Ng
Bonnie Lee
Daniel York
Henry Tan
Yves Beneyton
Pierre Beaumarchais

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