Comedy Romance Drama
Retirement at last! Middle-aged and divorced, company owner Richard Jones is looking forward to a worry-free existence as he arrives at his office on his last day of work. Much to his dismay, he discovers that the management buyout of his company was fraudulent. The company is now bankrupt and the employee pension fund — including his own — has been embezzled. Enlisting the help of his ex-wife Kate, Richard sets out to track down the shady businessman behind the fraud.
Directed by
Joel Hopkins
Written by
Joel Hopkins
Emma Thompson
Kate Jones
Timothy Spall
Pierce Brosnan
Richard Jones
Louise Bourgoin
Manon Fontaine
Laurent Lafitte
Vincent Kruger
Eleanor Matsuura
Celia Imrie
Tuppence Middleton
Sophie Jones
Marisa Berenson
Ellen Thomas
Murielle Hilaire
Girl 3 Beach Club
Vincent Haquin
Vanessa Guide
Girl 2 Beach Club
Senie Priti
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Sabine Crossen
Texan Couple Woman 1
Linda Hardy
Glaxo Secretary
Christopher Craig
Culco Employee 1
Tom Morton
Tim the Groom
Catriona MacColl
Wedding Guest
Olivier Chantreau
Jean-Baptiste Durain
John Ramm
Julie Ordon
Girl 1 Beach Club
Thanh Ingle-Lai
Maid (uncredited)
Jack Wilkinson
Matt Jones
Patrice Cols
Chateau Guard
Alan Fairbairn
Culco Employee 2
Jean-Louis Barcelona
Bruce McEwen
Texan Couple Man 1
Max Hayter
Anna Brooke
Adam Byron
Christophe Prévost
Texan Couple Man 2
Liz Coke
Texan Couple Woman 2
Sinan Bertrand
Master of Ceremonies
Floriane Andersen
Secretary (uncredited)
Blanche Dezert
Ambassador (uncredited)
Paloma Hidalgo
Sister (uncredited)
Jordan Jones
Lover (uncredited)

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