Drama History
In this love story set in the Edo period, 27-year-old Oharu is a genius in the kitchen. Oharu attracts the attention of the master chef of the Kaga Domain, who arranges for her to marry his son and heir, 24-year-old Yasunobu. But, Yasunobu is cold to his new wife, and he's more interested in swordplay than cookery.
Directed by
Yuzo Asahara
Kengo Kora
Yasunobu Funaki
Toshiyuki Nishida
Dennai Funaki
Aya Ueto
Oharu Funaki
Riko Narumi
Sayo Imai
Tasuku Emoto
Sadanoshin Imai
Yui Natsukawa
Kenta Hamano
Eri Fuse
Kimiko Yo
Mitsuru Funaki
Masatoshi Nakamura
Takashi Sasano
Takeshi Kaga
Naomi Maeda
Ichirôta Miyakawa
Naoto Ogata
Denzo Otsuki
Hana Ebise
Katsuyuki Tai

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