Drama Romance Thriller
After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there.
Directed by
Curtis Bernhardt
Joan Crawford
Louise Howell
Van Heflin
David Sutton
Raymond Massey
Dean Graham
Don McGuire
Dr. Craig - Dr. Willard's asst.
Rory Mallinson
Coroner's assistant
Douglas Kennedy
District Attorney at inquest
Erskine Sanford
Dr. Sherman - Graham's physician at inquest
Stanley Ridges
Dr. Willard
Monte Blue
Norris - lake house caretaker
Peter Miles
Wynn Graham
John Ridgely
Chief investigator of drowning
Moroni Olsen
Dr. Ames - Mrs. Smith's psychiatrist
Lisa Golm
Elsie - Graham's maid in DC
Clifton Young
Geraldine Brooks
Carol Graham
Griff Barnett
Isabel Withers
Nurse Rosen

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