Drama Romance
Telefilm on Spain Queen Sofia. It all starts in Corfu (Greece), in the summer of 1961. The Royal Palace of Mon Repos, summer residence of the Greek royal family, he wakes up at work. The service strives to prepare the house for some illustrious guests: the "Barcelona", which are none other than the Spanish royal family in exile. The purpose of the visit is to formalize the relationship between Sofia, the eldest daughter of the kings of Greece Paul and Frederika, with Juan Carlos, the son of Juan de Borbón and Maria de las Mercedes. Both young intimated in London, at the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Kent.
Directed by
Antonio Hernández
Yon González
Constantino de Grecia
Emma Suárez
Federica de Grecia
Paloma Bloyd
Tatiana Radziwill
Nadia de Santiago
Sofia de Grecia
Jorge Suquet
Juan Carlos I
Eduardo MacGregor
Francisco Franco
Roberto Álvarez
Pablo I de Grecia
Juanjo Puigcorbé
Juan de Borbón
Paloma Zavala
Irene de Grecia

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