Animation Family
LeapFrog characters spring to life in this engaging and educational video. A wild adventure to the Letter Factory with popular LeapFrog characters Leap, Lilly and Tad. Led by wacky Professor Quigley, Tad joins Js jumping on trampolines and Ks practicing karate kicks as new letters learn their sounds. Fun songs will have kids singing letter sounds in no time.
Directed by
Roy Allen Smith
Debi Derryberry
Tad (voice)
Candi Milo
Leap (voice)
Joe Alaskey
Berfter / Letters (voice)
Sandy Fox
Lily (voice)
Ogie Banks
Letters (voice)
Roger Rose
Letters (voice)
Kevin Schon
Letters (voice)
Joey Camen
Mr. Frog (voice)
Tony Pope
Professor Quigley (voice)
Sheryl Bernstein
Mrs. Frog / Letters (voice)
Ginny Westcott
Additional Characters (voice)
Michael Mendelson
Letters (voice)

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