Comedy Animation
Featuring the characters from Murray Ball's "Footrot Flats" (New Zealands most beloved local cartoon strip), questions to be answered include: Will Wal Footrot win the affections of Cheeky Hobson over the sleazy Spit Murphy? Will the Dog win the affections of the lovely Jess? Will Wal make a good impression on the selectors at Saturday's rugby match? Can Rangi and Pongo save Cooch's prize stag from the depths of Blackwater Station, home of the Murphys, their vicious dogs and deadly croco-pigs? All this and more will be answered as the small town of Raupo comes to life on the big screen.
Directed by
Murray Ball
Marshall Napier
Hunk Murphy (voice)
Peter Rowley
Dog (voice)
Brian Sergent
Spit Murphy (voice)
John Clarke
Wal (voice)
Rawiri Paratene
Rangi (voice)
Peter Hayden
Irish Murphy (voice)
Dorothy McKegg
Aunt Dolly (voice)
Billy T. James
Pawai (voice)
Michael Haigh
Rugby Commentator (voice)

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