Animation Drama Family
This is the story of a young self-reliant girl called Ai, who one day, moves into the Animal Village. While working at Tom Nook's shop "Nook's Cranny" she begins living her life away from her family. To begin with, she doesn't know left from right, but under the guidance of Mayor Tortimer, the angry but correct Mr. Resetti, and the wandering musician K.K. Slider among others, she is eventually accepted as a member of the village. One night as she walked along the beach, she finds a message in the bottle. It sets her off on a quest of planting pine trees around the village to fulfill a miracle on the eve of the Winter Festival
Directed by
Joji Shimura
Shun Oguri
Totakeke (voice)
Masaki Terasoma
Apollo (voice)
Misato Fukuen
Buke (voice)
Fumiko Orikasa
Sari (voice)
Kappei Yamaguchi
Fûta (voice)
Yui Horie
Ai (voice)
Yuichi Kimura
Reset-san (voice)
Kenichi Ogata
Kotobuki (voice)
Yuji Ueda
Sakurajima (voice)
Akio Suyama
Perio (voice)
Yuko Mizutani
Perimi (voice)
Takaya Hashi
Master (voice)
Mitsuo Iwata
Kappei (voice)
Yurika Hino
Bianka (voice)
Mika Kanai
Fûko (voice)
Naoki Tatsuta
Tanukichi (voice)
Kazuya Tatekabe
Alan (voice)
Junpei Takiguchi
Seiichi (voice)
Wataru Takagi
Johnny (voice)
Yasuhiro Takato
Saruo (voice)
Hisao Egawa
Daruman (voice)
Yu Kobayashi
Yuu (voice)
Tetsuo Sakaguchi
Tsunekichi (voice)
Takatoshi Kaneko
Alberto (voice)
Periko (voice)
Mari Adachi
Asami (voice)
Noriko Namiki
Tsubukichi (voice)
Saori Hattori
Kinuyo (voice)
Akihiro Tamagawa

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