TV Movie Action Thriller
When a renegade Russian general sends a nuclear bomb hurtling toward the Middle East aboard a hijacked train, special agents are dispatched to disarm the deadly device. Ten tons of steel and one ounce of hot plutonium are now riding roughshod through Europe. With time running out, the agents launch a desperate, bullet-packed assault on a deadly moving target piloted by a cold-blooded mercenary.
Directed by
David Jackson
Written by
David Jackson
Patrick Stewart
Malcolm Philpott
Ted Levine
Alex Tierney
Pierce Brosnan
Michael 'Mike' Graham
Christopher Lee
General Konstanin Benin
Alexandra Paul
Sabrina Carver
Clarke Peters
Andreas Jung
Terrence Hardiman
German Commander
Jay Benedict
John Abineri
Dr. Karl Leitzig
Nic D'Avirro
Ron Berglas
Roger Flint
Vili Matula

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