Animation Family
Based on the book by Thomas M. Disch and intended as the third film in the series, this sequel was finished and released prior to 'The Brave Little Toaster To The Rescue'. Whilst trying to protect their new "Little Master" the anthropomorphic appliances set off on an epic adventure and make many new friends along the way.
Directed by
Robert C. Ramirez
Written by
Thomas M. Disch
Wayne Knight
Microwave (voice)
Farrah Fawcett
Faucet (voice)
Brian Doyle-Murray
Wittgenstein (voice)
Jim Cummings
Supreme Commander (singing voice)
Stephen Tobolowsky
Calculator (voice)
Jessica Tuck
Chris (voice)
Eric Lloyd
Blanky (voice)
Kath Soucie
Tinselina (voice)
DeForest Kelley
Viking 1 (voice)
Thurl Ravenscroft
Kirby (voice)
Deanna Oliver
Toaster (voice)
Alan King
Supreme Commander (voice)
Timothy Stack
Lampy (voice)
Russi Taylor
Robbie (voice)
Roger Kabler
Radio (voice)
Fyvush Finkel
Hearing Aid (voice)
Andy Milder
Ratso (voice)
Carol Channing
Fanny (voice)
Chris Young
Rob (voice)
James Murray
Satellite 2 / Iron (voice)
Paddi Edwards
Satellite 1 (voice)
Rick Logan
Woodstock Balloon / Singer (voice)
Marc Allen Lewis
World's Fair Balloon / Freezer (voice)
Redmond O'Neal
Squirt (voice)
Susie Stevens-Logan
Wild West Balloon (voice)
Ross Mapletoft
Mixer (voice)
Jeff Robertson
Military Toaster (voice)

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