Animation Music Family
In the tradition of Fantasia, Make Mine Music is a glorious collection of musically charged animated shorts featuring such fun-filled favorites as "Peter and the Wolf", narrated by the beloved voice behind Winnie the Pooh. In addition you'll enjoy such classic cartoon hits as "Casey at the Bat," "The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met" and "Johnnie Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet."
Directed by
Jack Kinney, Hamilton Luske, Robert Cormack, Clyde Geronimi, Joshua Meador
Sterling Holloway
Narrator (segment "Peter and the Wolf") (voice)
Dinah Shore
Self (voice)
Jerry Colonna
Narrator (segment "Casey at the Bat") (voice)
Nelson Eddy
Narrator / Characters (segment "The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met") (voice)
Benny Goodman
Self (voice)
Andy Russell
Self (voice)
Patty Andrews
Andrews Sisters (singing voice) (uncredited)
Laverne Andrews
Andrews Sisters (singing voice) (uncredited)
Ken Darby
The King's Men / Choral Director (Ken Darby Chorus) (singing voice) (uncredited)
Maxene Andrews
Andrews Sisters (singing voice) (uncredited)
Tatiana Riabouchinska
Silhouetted Dancer
David Lichine
Silhouetted Dancer

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