Romance Comedy
Lucky is tricked into missing his own wedding again and has to make $25,000 so her father allows him to marry Margaret. He and business partner Pop go to New York where they run into dancing instructor Penny. She and Lucky form a successful dance partnership, but romance is blighted by his old attachment to Margaret and hers for Ricky Romero.
Directed by
George Stevens
Fred Astaire
Lucky Garnett
Frank Mills
Eric Blore
Helen Broderick
Mabel Anderson
Frank Jenks
Betty Furness
Margaret Watson
Jack Goode
Dancer (uncredited)
Howard Hickman
Ginger Rogers
Penny Carrol
Edgar Dearing
John Harrington
Pierre Watkin
Victor Moore
Pop Cardetti
Landers Stevens
Judge Watson (uncredited)
Fern Emmett
Gerald Hamer
Eric Lacanistram (uncredited)
Olin Francis
Georges Metaxa
Ricky Romero
Ferdinand Munier
Abe Reynolds

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