Comedy Romance
Boy meets girl; boy falls in love (and had wild, non-stop sex) with girl; boy loses girl... when they discover they are brother and sister! But when he learns that he's the victim of the ultimate case of mistaken identity, the lovesick young man -- whom everyone still thinks is after some taboo thrills -- must race across the country to stop her from marrying another man.
Directed by
J.B. Rogers
Written by
Gerry Swallow, Peter Gaulke
Sally Field
Valdine Wingfield
Mark Pellegrino
Jimmy Mitchelson
Heather Graham
Josephine Wingfield
Lin Shaye
Nurse Bautista
Eddie Cibrian
Jack Mitchelson
Orlando Jones
Dig McCaffrey
Sarah Silverman
Brent Hinkley
Richard Jenkins
Walter Wingfield
Julie White
Ruthie Falwell
Chris Klein
Gilbert Noble
Richard Riehle
Sheriff Merle Hobbs
Jack Plotnick
Leon Pitofsky
Ezra Buzzington
Zahf Paroo
Asian Man
Henry Cho
Courtney Peldon
Cher Falwell
Martin Morales
Mexican Man - Canada
John Rothman
Larry Falwell
David L. Lander
Reverend Stillwater
Dolores Drake
Mrs. Hartunian
Connor Widdows
Brent Briscoe
Detective Vic Vetter
Jackie Flynn
Rich Brown
C. Ernst Harth
Mr. Campisi
Danny Murphy
Mr. Murphy
Colin Foo
Mr. Chin
Barrow Davis
Matthew Peters
Ed Holden
Heckler #4 (as E.W. Holden)

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