Drama Romance
Daisy Kenyon is a Manhattan commercial artist having an affair with an arrogant and overbearing but successful lawyer and family man named Dan O'Mara. Daisy meets a single man, a war veteran named Peter Lapham, and after a brief and hesitant courtship decides to marry him, although she is still in love with Dan.
Directed by
Otto Preminger
Henry Fonda
Peter Lapham
Joan Crawford
Daisy Kenyon
Dana Andrews
Dan O'Mara
Ruth Warrick
Lucille O'Mara
Martha Stewart
Mary Angelus
Mae Marsh
Woman Leaving Apartment (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum
Man Leaving Courtroom (uncredited)
Walter Winchell
Tito Vuolo
Dino (uncredited)
Peggy Ann Garner
Rosamund O'Mara
George E. Stone
Waiter (uncredited)
Art Baker
Lucille's Attorney
William H. O'Brien
Bartender at Stork Club (uncredited)
Nicholas Joy
Connie Marshall
Marie O'Mara
Leonard Lyons

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