Family Fantasy Animation Adventure
Thunder, an abandoned young cat seeking shelter from a storm, stumbles into the strangest house imaginable, owned by an old magician and inhabited by a dazzling array of automatons and gizmos. Not everyone welcomes the new addition to the troupe as Jack Rabbit and Maggie Mouse plot to evict Thunder. The situation gets worse when the magician lands in hospital and his scheming nephew sees his chance to cash in by selling the mansion. Our young hero is determined to earn his place and so he enlists the help of some wacky magician's assistants to protect his magical new home.
Directed by
Jérémie Degruson, Ben Stassen
Frank Welker
Cat sounds (archive footage; uncredited)
Grey DeLisle
Mrs. Eames (voice)
Cinda Adams
Nurse Baxter (voice)
Jim Ward
Reggie (voice)
Joey Camen
Chihuahua (voice)
Robin Atkin Downes
Jack / Carlo (voice)
Brianne Siddall
Thunder / Dylan (voice)
Susanne Blakeslee
Audrey (voice)
Bill Parks
Mike Matthews (voice)
Joe Ochman
Mr. Eames (voice)
Doug Stone
Mr. Lawrence (voice)
James Flynn
Elisa Gabrielli
Carla (voice)
Grant George
Daniel (voice)
Lani Minella
Old Lady (voice)
Shanelle Gray
Maggie (voice)
Kyle Hebert
Mark Matthews (voice)
Ella Rouhier
Hospital children (voice)
Roxanne Reese
Lasondra (voice)
Sage Sommer
Izzy (voice)
Noah Ray Strauss
Hospital children (voice)
Isabella Tatone
Hospital children (voice)
Keegan Thomas
Hospital children (voice)
Mark Mercado

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