Animation Family
Belle, the Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth and the rest of those zany castle residents use their imaginations to embark on three magical, storybook adventures. This direct-to-video anthology serves as a "sequel" to Disney's animated hit film. In "The Perfect World," Belle and the Beast learn about forgiveness. In "Fifi's Folly," Lumiere's girlfriend is jealous of his bond with Belle. And in "Broken Wing," the Beast learns to be kind to an injured bird.
Directed by
Cullen Blaine, Bob Kline, Dale Case
Written by
Alice Brown, Richard Cray
Frank Welker
Sultan (voice)
Jeff Bennett
Crane (voice)
Jerry Orbach
Lumiere (voice)
Jim Cummings
Webster (voice)
Paige O'Hara
Belle (voice)
David Ogden Stiers
Cogsworth (voice)
Kimmy Robertson
Fifi (voice)
Rob Paulsen
LePlume (voice)
Robby Benson
Beast (voice)
April Winchell
Chandeleria (voice)
Jo Anne Worley
Wardrobe (voice)
Anne Rogers
Mrs. Potts (voice)
Gregory Grudt
Chip (voice)

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