Action Comedy
Everybody has problems these days, and Cheech and Chong are no exceptions. They're hired by Slyman and Habib to drive a limousine to Las Vegas with $5 million secretly stashed in the front seat. In order to get there, the pair sells off the car piece by piece, including the seven-figure front seat. Cheech and Chong then have a much bigger problem - Slyman and Habib are after them, swearing to kill them after the appropriate torture.
Directed by
Thomas K. Avildsen
Written by
Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong
Tommy Chong
Chong / Habib
George Wallace
The Champ
Rip Taylor
Rip Taylor
Cheech Marin
Cheech / Mr. Slyman
Dave Coulier
Man with Tongue
John Paragon
Red Carpet Man #1
Ruby Wax
Restaurant Patron
John Steadman
Senta Moses
Kid in Laundromat
Mike Bacarella
Cop in Laundromat
Rikki Marin
French Girl #2
Dorothy Neumann
Toni Attell
Cocktail Waitress
Lance Kinsey
Plastic Surgeon
Billy Beck
Don Bovingloh
Maitre D'
Ben Powers
The Pimp
Shelby Chong
French Girl #1
Evelyn Guerrero
Richard 'Moon' Calhoun
Jennifer Condos
Bass Player
John Corrona
St. Louis Biker
Aaron Freeman
Cop in Ghetto
Mike Friedman
Car Rental Agent
Maya Harman
Belly Dancer
Vanaghan S. Housepian
Janice Ladik
Mom in Laundromat
Jay Lawson
Gas Station Attendant
Shabazz Perez
Man with Toupe
Gregory Polcyn
Ernest Rayford
Car Wash Attendant #1
John Tisdale
Car wash Attendant #2
Sandy Weintraub
Red Carpet Man #2
Diana Wild
Cocktail Waitress
Farouk A. Zurond
Gaye Delorme

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