Comedy Romance
San Francisco's premiere wedding planner, Mary Fiore is rescued from an accident by the man of her dreams, pediatrician Steve Edison, only to find he is the fiancé of her latest client. As Mary continues making their wedding arrangements, she and Steve are put into a string of uncomfortable situations that force them to face their mutual attraction.
Directed by
Adam Shankman
Matthew McConaughey
Steve Edison
Judy Greer
Jennifer Lopez
Mary Fiore
Fred Willard
Basil St. Mosely
Justin Chambers
Meg Ryan
Bree Turner
Tracy - Bride
Joanna Gleason
Mrs. Donolly
Kevin Pollak
Dr. John Dojny
Kathy Najimy
Frances Bay
Fabiana Udenio
Anna Bosco
Natalia Safran
Crying Bride
Bridgette Wilson-Sampras
Fran Donolly
Alex Rocco
Lou Myers
Burt Weinberg
Charles Kimbrough
Mr. Donolly
Philip Pavel
Susan Mosher
Corey Michael Eubanks
Janie Liszewski

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