Animation Family Fantasy
In a faraway kingdom, the king and queen had desired a child of their very own for a long time and when their wish finally came true, they announced a grand celebration at the palace. All of the fairies from the kingdom were invited and immediately named as godmothers for their new child, whose name was Felicity, which means "happiness".
Directed by
Toshiyuki Hiruma, Takashi Masunaga
Written by
Lawrence H. Hartstein
Garry Chalk
King / Valdar (voice)
Venus Terzo
Ian James Corlett
Prince Richard (voice)
Dale Wilson
Scott McNeil
Richard Newman
Andrea Libman
Primrose (voice)
Jesse Moss
Philip Maurice Hayes
Gerard Plunkett
Tom McBeath
Stevie Vallance
Princess Felicity (voice)
Ellen Kennedy
Queen (voice)
Scott Swanson
Douglas Newell
Lillian Carlson
Kathleen Barr
Odelia / Grace (voice)
Tony Ail
Nathan Aswell
Bailee Reid
Kent Gallie
Roger Kelly
Terry Klassen
Joanne Lee
Lois McClean
Crystaleen O'Bray
Doug Parker
Susan Schiff
Raquel Shane
Wanda Wilkinson
Eric Fredrickson
Jean-Luc Abiven

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