Drama Comedy Romance
In the midst of organizing his brother Ben's wedding, Shel, a gay party planner, decides to go on strike for equal rights when he learns that Ben is behind a political speech against gay marriage.
Directed by
Jim Fall
Written by
Stephen Mazur
James Brolin
Governor Conrad Welling
Eric Dane
Ben Grandy
Jayne Eastwood
Wanda Grandy
John Stamos
Shel Grandy
Sean Maher
Ted Moore
Rosemary Dunsmore
Claire Welling
Bonnie Somerville
Maggie Welling
Sean McCann
Verne Grandy
Matt Gordon
Linda Kash
Mrs. Fairfield
Doug Barron
Matt Wildman
John Beale
News Show Host
Rejean Cournoyer
Ken Caldwell
Suzanne Hawkins
Katie Gonzales
Lee Smart
Casper Tisdale

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