Animation Action Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi
Gotham City is terrorized not only by recent escapees Joker and Penguin, but by the original creature of the night, Dracula! Can Batman stop the ruthless vampire before he turns everyone in the city, including The Caped Crusader, Joker and Penguin, into his mindless minions?
Directed by
Michael Goguen
Written by
Duane Capizzi
Tom Kenny
Oswald Cobblepot / The Penguin (voice)
Peter Stormare
Dracula (voice)
Tara Strong
Vicky Vale (voice)
Kevin Michael Richardson
The Joker (voice)
Jeff Bennett
Arkham Asylum Inmate / Additional Voices (voice)
Neil Ross
Additional Voices (voice)
James Sie
Additional Voices (voice)
Alastair Duncan
Alfred Pennyworth (voice)
Rino Romano
Bruce Wayne / Batman (voice)
Richard Green
Additional Voices (voice)

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