Drama Romance
In California, a group of women struggle with personal problems as their paths intertwine in unexpected ways. Dr. Elaine Keener, the sole caretaker for her aging mother, turns to tarot card reader Christine for spiritual aid. Christine grapples with her own angst due to her lover's debilitating illness. Meanwhile, a bank manager deals with an unwanted pregnancy, two sisters pursue romantic interests and a housewife gets back into the dating game.
Directed by
Rodrigo García
Cameron Diaz
Carol Faber (segment "Love Waits For Kathy")
Glenn Close
Dr. Elaine Keener (segments "This is Dr. Keener" and "Fantasies about Rebecca")
Valeria Golino
Lilly (segment "Goodnight Lilly, Goodnight Christine")
Amy Brenneman
Detective Kathy Faber (segment "Love Waits For Kathy")
Miguel Sandoval
Sam (segment "Love Waits For Kathy")
Erik King
Holly Hunter
Rebecca Waynon (segment "Fantasies About Rebecca")
Elpidia Carrillo
Carmen Alba
Calista Flockhart
Christine Taylor (segments "Goodnight Lilly, Goodnight Christine" and "This is Dr. Keener")
Juanita Jennings
Matt Craven
Walter (segments "Fantasies About Rebecca" and "Love Waits For Kathy")
Kathy Baker
Rose (segments "Someone For Rose" and "Fantasies about Rebecca")
Mika Boorem
June (segments "Love Waits For Kathy" and "Goodnight Lilly, Goodnight Christine")
Danny Woodburn
Albert (segments "Someone For Rose" and "Love Waits For Kathy")
Gregory Hines
Robert (segment "Fantasies About Rebecca")
Noah Fleiss
Jay (segment "Someone For Rose")
Roma Maffia
Debbie (segments "Fantasies About Rebecca" and "Love Waits For Kathy")
Laura Leigh Hughes
Receptionist (segment "Fantasies About Rebecca")
Irma St. Paule
Elaine's Mother (segment "This is Dr. Keener")
Penelope Allen
Nancy (segment "Fantasies About Rebecca")

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